Operation "Peace for Galilee' 1982


Spyros has some extraordinary collections- one of which is the Israeli and Syrian forces for the 1982 invasion of Lebanon.

In this scenario an Israeli armoured column was tasked with clearing a small town of Syrian troops. The Syrians were supported by some militia. They also had 2 T-55 and 4 BMP-1s.

The Israeli support was 3 tanks ( one a Merkava, one  Centurion Sho't and an M60 variant) as well as 6 M113 APCs and  4 recon jeeps.

See the photos below with the captions for much of the story. 

See Spyros Blog for more Photos and more details : NO DUFF GAMER

A close gritty encounter that saw substantial numbers of Israeli vehicles take damage or be destroyed. The Syrians were, in effect, wiped out. The militia took out a number of jeeps and one APC but then ran off after the Israeli Vulcan M113 opened up on the building they were hiding in.