Sydney- The Frontier Wars.

Inspired by 'A Grab Bag of Games' Blog  and 'Mac's Little Friends'  (see down the right hand side) I couldn't resist a game that represented historically what happened in my own back yard- So I bought some figures, made the terrain- bought some trees and hey presto- a nice little game!!

My solo effort was meant to give the rules a dry run- a group of warriors ( Just over 30) were hunting- and found a shearing shed and group on their traditional lands- a dozen or so Redcoats were in the area- they had to be - it wouldn't be much of a game if they weren't!

A quick game that I played in just over an our- with 6 warriors killed or wounded- and three redcoats downed- and holding the field. I enjoyed it - now just to get some of the Brothers to have a game!

The local garrison has a few men in the area- and forewarned arrive in time.

The Shearing Shed  - now I know the purists will tell me that shearing sheds in the first 20 years of the 1800s didn't have corrugated iron- yes I know- and the 'Victory at all costs' should really be from the period 1914-1918...but hey, leave me alone- it was a solo game and I wanted to to include it- The Wargaming Gods may strike me down!

Thirsty work!

Sergeant Harper leads his squad down the road.

The first group of warriors advance.

The second group of hunters under Wirraway

The startled kangaroos in the background jump away.

Sergeant Harper and his squad.

Using the stone wall for cover.

The squad under the Lieutenant Sharpe moves forward  to the left and Sergeant Harper on the road- as the warriors try to flank them.

The Redcoats form line to give volley fire!


  1. Very effective terrain with rusty-brown earth and great looking game.

    1. Thanks Peter- very simple- brown coloured caulking spread over some MDF and flocked!

  2. Wow, what a splendid terrain to play on, beautiful minis and great looking game!

  3. Hey looks great! The terrain is really well done and looks like the Australian bush!

    1. Thanks John, some nice trees make the difference.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Spyros- the Denisovans from Eureka- they look the part!

  5. Hi John,
    I'm a retired keen historical miniatures wargamer with some big and beautiful collections of figs. With both my grown up children there, I regularly spend time with them in Sydney. Was wondering if there is room for an extra member of the Band of Wargaming Brothers? If so, could you contact me at: fnzaal at gmail dot com

  6. Great figures and terrain very nice AAR!

  7. Lovely terrain and figures.
    Great shed, love the sign.

  8. Where did you get figures of aborigines and sheep shearers?

    1. Hi there, they are all from Eureka miniatures. Their Denisovan range for the Aborigines.

  9. This is Mac, from MacLittleFriends, great setup... We are all in Sydney, we should do a big frontier wars game one day.

    1. Thanks Mac- love your setup- it was my inspiration. You bet. Would love to!
