Honours of War


The SYW Austrians and French came out for a run....by run I mean the opportunity to kick the crap out of each other's forces.
I took a scenario straight out of "Scenarios for Wargamer's" - "Flank attack" and gave the two commanders ( Paul and Ross) their briefs. The French ( Ross) were shown the table- given their deployment area and told to expect an assault from the front. After the French deployed, the Austrians were given their brief and allowed to deploy.

French position.

The very sparse Austrian holding force- primarily place to 'hold' the main French force while the flanking brigades did their job.

I think this is a tough scenario for both sides- as it should be! The description in the book called for two ridges, but we didn't have any big enough so did four, two of which were the objectives for both sides.  The Austrians are outnumbered quite a bit...but most of the French force is too far away to intervene.

Under Honours of War, one of the key Command and Control aspects is the quality and capability of the generals. Their indecision, or rashness can have a significant impact on the game ...I guess that's why we like them- although I had read reviews that claimed the whole command rules should be rewritten. 

I have to disagree- it is those quirks in the rules that have given some of our games such flavour...and frustration ....as was about to happen here too!

At the end of turn one, the Austrian 1st Infantry Brigade commander was able to gain a double move and race to get to the key objectives- the two hills visible .....BUT his colleague rolled poorly...( right of picture ) and could not move!!!!!! Paul's swearing could be heard three suburbs away.

Austrian lead flanking brigade has swarmed over the first hill ( objective one) and is racing for the second which is going to be a tough job!

Grenzers advancing!

The bulk of the French force......looking at a very thin Austrian force.

The flanking Austrian cuirassier Brigade slams into the French Cavalry.......the Austrians Horse were going to have a lot to crow about!

The seond flanking brigade...failed to move effectively in the second turn of a four turn game....it was, I think , one of the key points in the game. Had they moved in the manner of the first brigade....I think the Austrians would have taken the honours for the day.

French struggling to change facing

Austrians advancing- driving the French back

Ross decided that his French should advance against the Austrians to their front....to drive them away- not relevant to the victory conditions!

Irish Regt Dillon advancing against guns and infantry

The French were not having much success here.

By the end of Turn 4, the Austrians securely held the first objective but the second was still being fiercely fought over. The empire declared a draw!
One of the key mechanisms is the -1 modifier for firing if the firer moved. This always plays such an important impact in the game as the defender is firing at full strength and the attacker is at a slight disadvantage in a fire fight.  An advance has to be well thought and prepared! 

We have enjoyed these rules so far- they are fast and very bloody!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful game photos, John! As for leadership in HoW, I am quite alright with the rating and activation scheme. Failing can be frustrating, for sure, but helps to build an interesting narrative.
