Fulford Gate 1066.

Spyros expressed an interest in the Vikings sitting on my shelf.
After a brief discussion, we decided to get them on the table to fight my Anglo-Danes ....and redo Fulford Gate - the first of the three epic battles fought in 1066. We played it at the Company of Dice club meet here in Sydney.

Spyros was Morcar and Edwin and I was Harald Hardrada.

The two Anglo-Danish earls raced to take up a position on a stream bank and made it just in time before Hardrada's Vikings got there.

End of Turn 2


View from the Viking lines- Edwin's Mercians, skirmishers thrown out as the main line races to the stream bank- a defensible position. 

My planning sheet.
1 is Edwin and his Mercians.
2 is Morcar and his Northumbrians.
A is Hardrada ( original positions with arrow).
B is 2iC Siward
 C is the turncoat Tostig and his Anglo-Danes

More planning - the units etc.

The overview- with the blue arrows showing the main points of advance by the Vikings.

Hardrada advances

Morcar throws his skirmishers across the stream to slow Tostig down as his main battle line races to secure the stream bank ( I think it was/is? called the Germany Beck)
Tostig going forward.

The Northumbrians refusing to advance- Tostig's troops wading into the Beck.

Action along the line.



Two berserker units from Siward's command slam into Morcar's Northumbrians

Harald's Huscarls attacking Edwin's line

Tostig urging his men on

Tostig's men ( on the right of the pic) hit Morcar. The charge markers indicate Siward's Berserkers getting stuck in as his troop race up in support. 

View from Edwin's position- with Harald's Huscarls struggling up to the bank

Tostig's men on the Viking right flank getting stuck in

Hardrada's command hitting Edwin's who are holding the stream bank.

                                                               Edwin's command

Fighting all along the line.

This was a very close fought game. By turn 4 Siward's berserkers had caused mayhem in the Anglo-Danish line despite being wiped out and Siward's troops forced their way onto the Anglo-Danish bank. Spyros thought that he was about to lose the game as both Harald and Tostig were also putting enormous pressure on their respective flanks as well.  

But it wasn't to be- Tostig got himself killed fighting in the thick of it and his command collapsed.

Siwards command suffered too many casualties to continue even though he had forced his way onto the defended bank. Harald's army reached break point and the King of Norway was forced to retreat.  

History NOT repeating itself on this occasion!!


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed the report and the photos. The result certainly changes the whole timeline for 1066.
    What rules did you use?

    1. Thanks Richard- I am glad you enjoyed it. 1066 will be a little different now! We use a homegrown set that is an amalgam of just about all the sets we have used in the last 30 years. We use Impetus style basing.

  2. An excellent report with fantastic pictures of some beautiful figures John! Just an unfortunate result from the Viking perspective.....

    1. Thanks Keith- yes Harald is not happy...but maybe it gives Harold Godwinson a fighting chance??

  3. Great batrep! Never heard of Fulford Gate before so thanks - wargaming as history!

    1. Thanks Sparker! I'm glad my blog can be deemed educational!
