Chris' collection of Samurai have to be among the most magnificent figures I have ever seen. Each one beautifully painted, most with a sashimono, and the command stands are just amazing.

Placing as many as we could fit onto Ross' table we had a stoush that was fast, furious and bloody as two Samurai armies smashed away at each other one afternoon.

Chris and Ross took one force and Liam and I took the other. The armies have been painted with particular clans and daimyo represented but we just divided the forces in half so that both sides fielded mounted Samurai, foot Samurai, warrior monks, archers, ronin and ashigaru.

Just the opportunity to use these magnificent figures was a real treat!
My photos don't do them any justice at all.

My commander.....the detail is just amazing.

Elamites and Assyrians....again...round 4!

Well the current score between these two historical opponents currently stands at Elamites (me) 1, Assyrians ( Ross) 1 and a bloody draw...1:1:1.
So in the dying days of 2024, game four was fought on a warm summer night.
I made a significant flaw in my deployment by not concentrating my heavy chariots............

My ring flank. One of my heavy chariots backed up by the three kallipani. Not good in a fight, but they sure can shoot!


Assyrian left flank.......

The layout of both armies is obvious in the pictures above.

Carthaginians and Macedonians

Ross called up and threw down the gauntlet. I hadn't played him in an ancients game in a very long time ( nearly a year!!)

His Macedonians under Antigonus One-Eye were itching to fight. I looked over my armies and thought...'Early Carthaginians...why not?'. 

Now, non historical match-ups can be problematic but as these two armies were almost from the same time period we didn't think it was going to be an issue!!

Carthaginian Line

The Macedonians