7th Cavalry on the Plains! The Sioux aren't impressed.

 Four troops of the 7th Cavalry were sent out after intelligence was received that a group of hostiles had set up a village a half day's ride from their fort.

Orders were to demolish the tipis and drive the hostiles away.

The Black Foot and Lakota tribesmen were not going to go easily. The white men were harassing them again. 

Using The Men Who Would be Kings with some amendments for Plains Wars Spyros and I played a great little game that looked like it could have gone either way until the men of  B Troop got through the defending Braves, setting fire to the tipis and the Indians decided to retreat.

Running Moose, chasing the Buffalo.

The Village at Peace.

The Tribe was at peace The Great Sky Spirit was serene and the buffalo were plenty. Running Moose led some of his Braves to hunt the Buffalo while Sitting Duck stayed by the village of our people .
To the sounds of shots , the horizon was full the Blue Bellies who came to drive us from our lands. Our men fought bravely but they attacked and burned our tipis and we fled although we killed many. 

Another warband.

Sitting Duck takes his Braves in a wide sweeping move....it didn't help....

Laying the table out.

The Squaws preparing to flee.

The Blue Bellies arrive

Running Moose and his braves hunting buffalo as the horizon filled with men in blue.

A and B Troop.

A and B Troop peel off to the west to surround the village.

D Troop fan out into line - under pressure from the skirmishing braves.

Turn 3- the Braves are spread out . The 7th Cavalry putting pressure as the Indians attempting to stop them- but they were too spread out.

A Troop cresting the hill with another group of Braves attempting to stop them. In the foreground is the small woods that a large group of Indians tried to hold. Spyros kept his eye on the objective and didn't waste men or time trying drive them out- he bypassed them and went on to the undefended village.

D Troop , dismounted and firing- their firing was woeful  ( bad die rolls) and then the mounted Braves passed their Attack activation and charged them- and  DTroop got massacred.

C Troop in a running melee on the edge of the village- they lost nearly 50% of the Troop, but forced the Indians back who lost even more in a very bloody melee. It was unusual as the Indians didn't evade or back off.....but fought a bloody stand up fight.....The Cavalry after driving the Indians off got to the village.

The Indians decided to hold the woods in front of the village- and the 7th Cavalry bypassed it. These Indians ( Tribal Infantry ) should have held the village rather than move out to hold the wood. Spyros, mindful of the objective, ignored them and thundered into the village- ...and won.

A fun game- we used some Plains Wars amendments that I found on the net ( I'm not sure who did them but they were used at Partizan in 2021) and they are very good!

Spyros is working on more 7th Cavalry- and I think we need more Braves!


  1. Great looking game, John. Plains Wars is not a period I have much stomach to game and I game almost everything.

    1. Thanks JF- I find the Plains Wars so fascinating- and I do recall that you said in a previous comment that you weren't to far from the Little Big Horn battlefield. I guess some games hit too close to home to be able to play 'guilt free'. There are a couple I feel the same way about!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal- I appreciate your comments!

  3. Nice looking game John! Unlike Mr Freitag, I don't mind the odd Pony Wars game - I can understand why he may not stomach it, but you could certainly apply the same feelings to almost any colonial war, as well as things like The Thirty Years War with all its religious intolerance and associated bloodletting!

    1. Thanks Keith. Yes , our hobby can have aspects like that- all human history is full of man's inhumanity to his fellow human being.

  4. Wow! that looked a great game , I liked the figures .

  5. Looking good, I have being playing quite a few outings in 6mm which gives you that sense of scale. it is a setting which has brutal reality to it, but I guess so does a number of periods if you dig that little bit deeper. good to remind ourselves on occasion that we are playing a game...

    1. 6mm would be awesome - to do LBH! Yes- most of our 'games' do have a brutality underlying them. Thanks for your comments Stu.
