Assyrians and Elamites!

 So my Elamites were finally ready- done in one year! Ross dusted off the Assyrians and an historical match was fought. I found using the Elamites an interesting experience as they really had no hard hitting combat troops, just lots of firepower. The Assyrians on the other hand did have some good solid combat troops, but not quite the firepower of the Elamites.

My Kallipani chariots- which are really just troop transports with firepower.
Lots of firepower but not great if charged.

Dark blue showing my troop movements. The Teal showing the Assyrians
My main aim was to sit on the line of small hills and keep shooting- don't ask questions- just keep firing until........

Assyrian Heavy Chariots. These guys can dish out some punishment.
They can have extra support with their own chariot runners, which Ross decided not to take this game.
Ross has two chariots per base- which makes them look "en masse" . I took the cheaper option and did one per base.


Main Assyrian line.

Elamite right flank- Main chariot in front- Kallipani behind and Light Cav on the end of the line.

Elamite left flank- the Assyrian cavalry get stuck in early. There wasn't much left of my unit after the Assyrian cavalry finished with them.

Elamite left flank. Light cavalry on the left, light infantry up front, Kallipani in reserve, heavier chariot supporting the archers on the hill top right of pic.

I just sat on my hills and fired!!

My light cavalry get around his flanks!

The APC of the ancient world!

My heavy chariot- I only had two. BUT they both had dead Assyrians on the base!

Measuring the charge distance- Assyrian Heavy Chariots about to get stuck in!

My light cavalry evading!

Blasting away at the approaching Assyrians

The main Assyrian line getting close.

Getting closer...

Keep firing man...keep firing!!

Some good die rolls.

Ross measuring up for the charge.

The markers show the casualties that I had inflicted...but he was getting closer.

Ironically he won the first four initiatives which gave me 4+ to my die roll in turn 5.....and he rolled a six......and I got the '1'....5 straight turns without initiative...

Very close!

On my extreme right I got around behind him...and destroyed a couple of his chariots..and then turned inwards.

My center right....after his heavy infantry charge....not much of my guys left.

The center- I was holding on for dear life!

The crucial factor in the game came down to the break tests for the various commands. Ross had two smaller commands on the flanks and one larger one in the center. The ones on the flanks both suffered enough casualties from my chariots/light cavalry and archers to trigger the test- and he failed both. I know why we call him the President of the Triple One Club!

The Elamites have had their first victory!


  1. Brilliant game with two brilliant armies. I really enjoyed this display, John.

    1. Thanks JF. I know you love chariot armies. So do I now!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Neil. I know Ross wants another is on the cards.

  3. Lovely looking game

  4. Great looking game and beautiful armies!

  5. Lovely looking battle……all those chariots have me thinking 👍

    1. Thanks Matt- yes chariots have a charm of their own! Don't resist- you know you want some!

  6. Not sure how i missed this earlier...I will blame pre Christmas rush! Fantastic looking armies as others have already mentioned. Have a great Christmas John!

    1. Thanks Keith- no problem- as long as you had a look! All the best to you too for Christmas!
