Swedes on Parade- Great Northern War

 I'm kinda proud of this lot; I'm still working on them- some officer figures needed, Charles XII himself needs to be painted up and a couple of battalions of infantry to go.

I've got two light guns and two field guns- 7 battalions of Foot and 19 Squadrons of Horse at this point. When I finished off the most recent battalion, I put them all out on parade and am happy with the results so far!! GA PA!

The Horse

The Foot

Guns, Horse, Foot.

Just about all of it.....so far.   
My Dealer keeps me supplied with new product.....


  1. You have every right to be proud of this force John - although I think you need more infantry - my info says the Swedish army was about one third cavalry, so to equate to 19 Sqns of horse, I would suggest you would need to have about 18 regiments of infantry! I must get myself organised and do my GNW parade - I said I would do it when I finished the last (probably) unit of horse a couple of weeks ago!

    1. Thanks Keith- appreciate the advice! A good excuse to keep painting! Time to order some more figures! That should keep me busy for a while longer. I'd like to see all of your Swedes on parade!

  2. I would be proud too! This is a smashing collection. Great job.

    1. Thanks Jonathan- I always appreciate your support!

  3. What a magnificent looking collection!

    1. Thanks for dropping by Ray- your comments are always welcome!

  4. They are beautiful, I have enjoyed spending some time with each photo.

    1. Thank you Norm- glad you enjoy looking them over!
