More Seven Years War - with no more dithering and no more bad die rolls!!

 After our last game, which was enjoyable despite the poor French performance we went for round two.

Another scenario was decided on as Ross and I were too traumatised to play the same one after our (French) Foote commanders refused to move. Paul was keen to give it another go- but we went for a scenario : Multiple objectives.

This scenario required the defenders ( French) to have their forces deployed at various points around the table ( see map - Zones A,B and C) and the attackers ( Austrians- Zone Z) to be deployed in one area. The town itself was worth two points and each hill (three: X,Y, Z) was worth a point each.

My sketch for deployment

The deployment and the arrows indicating the direction of advance for each side:
 Blue /French, Red/Austrian

The French defense was randomised and was split across the three deployment zones. Under the Honours of War rules the French infantry and cavalry ( Heavies especially) are inferior ( or just slower) than the Austrians. So using the point system, the French had quite a few more troops- but much poorer quality even though wisdom states that the attackers should outnumber the defenders.

With that in mind the Austrians actually had a tough task and this time the French commander all rolled well and began to move briskly toward their objectives. Interestingly neither side went for the town- both went for the outlying hills and as the neither side had decisive numbers at any given point, the attacking Austrians found it hard to take any of the hills.

French infantry moving promptly!!

The Town

Austrian Infantry ( 1st Brigade) deployed and advancing

Austrian 2nd Brigade advancing

French reserve ( in zone B stepping off)

French Foote getting to the Hill Y just ahead of the Austrians.

Austrians getting to Hill Z- to find French artillery there....loading Cannister

French Dragoons swinging in to support the infantry to the south of Hill Z

Big French movement

The fight for Hills X and Z...the French won

The fight for Hill Y- the French won!

Turn five- the French hold Hills Y and X and have driven the Austrians off Hill Z. 
The Town itself unoccupied.
French Victory!!

Scenarios can sometimes not play out in a balanced way despite what it looks like on paper- or it could just be that the commander's decisions make the game develop in a way that was unintended when the scenario was considered! This seemed a tough one for the Austrians....and so it proved as even the French 'dithering' commanders moved much more promptly this time!!


  1. Always difficult to get scenarios to be balanced, still looked a very good and enjoyable game

    1. Thanks Neil- yes sometimes planning a game never can take into account how it will play- some scenarios need to be tried a few times and tinkered with.

  2. Terrific looking game! There is definitely an art to designing balanced scenarios. Getting the right play balance often requires a couple of test games.

  3. Yes I have recently been on the receiving end of an unbalanced my opinion, anyway! So I can empathize with the Austrian players....poorer quality troops in greater numbers isn't too bad when you are defending

    1. Yes Keith, some of the Brothers claim that every time they lose..the scenario was unbalanced against them!!
