Poles and Muscovites- small scenario

Polish Pancerni

 I opened up a scenario booklet and was looking at one of the scenarios- a holding action. A small force stopping a larger force from pushing thru their line of defence. I looked up the required forces and put the Muscovites on the table as the defenders and the Poles as the attackers.

The Muscovite position. On the southern side of the road- a unit of Nobles ( Dvor) a units of Boyar cavalry a streltsi shot unit, big gun and just off screen at the bottom, some cossack light cavalry.
To the north another Boyar cavalry unit, two units of Streltsi, one with shot only, the other as 'German' infantry- pike and shot. Their mission was to stop the Poles pushing along the road.

Here come the Poles. Two units of foot Cossacks, 3 of Pancerni, 2xHussars ( woohoo!) 3 Haiduks (shot only) and three Tartar light cavalry who headed around the flank!

Pancerni out in front.

Cossack foot- in Polish eyes- cheap, expendable , but ferocious! 

The Muscovite nobles wait patiently on their hill. Orders are to wait.......

Center of the line- Streltsi and artillery

Polish advance, deploying to deal with the holding force.

Initial orders....the Muscovite Cavalry were supposed to stay put...but didn't....they charged off their hill

The Tatars...Polish allies - coming around the flank.

Streltsi turning to face them

And the Boyars also turned to face them...

By mid game....the Poles have spread out...and the Muscovites have charged in.....The two muscovite Units with the red 'charge' markers did not do as they were told....they charged off their hill, smashed into and destroyed the first Pancerni Unit

They were rolling VERY well ( Orange for the Muscovites, blue for the Poles)

After smashing the first Pancerni unit, they caused a failed morale test for the second and then hit it...destroying it...and then took on one of the Hussar units....these guys were heroes!!

One the Muscovite left flank...the Poles's Tatar allies skirmish with the Streltsi......and the Russians just blew them away!!

The lead Hussar unit slipped past the Muscovite heavy cavalry...headed down the road to open it up....that was the objective after all.

The third Pancerni Unit slams into the German style Streltsi.....

Of the two Muscovite units that came off the hill...this one helped beat two Pancerni...and hit the rear hussar unit.

They nearly did it.......but the hussars just managed to beat them

In the center..the lead Hussars hit the Strelsti........the blue ( Polish) dice say it all.....they then rode over the gun.

The Gap.....the Poles had lost three heavy cavalry...the Russians two ...and on the hill the German style Streltsi had seen off one of the Pancerni...but now had to face a firefight with a unit of haiduks......already carrying casualties, they didn't last long 

The last Muscovite unit on the left flank....forced back.....as most of the Russian force was in retreat or broken.

A fun game that saw the Poles get a bloody nose..and lose 4 cavalry units ( 3 Pancerni and 1 Hussar) but still have all of their infantry intact, one hussar unit and two out of the three Tatar light cavalry. They achieved the objective, but due to the loss of 4/5 heavy cavalry, it was a Pyrrhic victory. The Muscovites really had nothing left to fight with.


  1. This was a good little action. The basing remind me of Impetvs. Which rules were in play and from which scenario book did you pull this action?

    1. Hey JF, they are a home grown set that have been influenced by just about every rule set we've used in the last 20 years with Impetus basing ! The scenario was number four from 'programmed wargame scenarios'.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray- yes a fierce little fight. The Muscovites gave the Poles a nasty surprise.

  3. A great looking game and fantastic armies

    1. Thanks Neil- two armies that are amongst my favourites!

  4. Lovely sized action. Thanks for all the pics,

  5. Nice AAR. What brand are your Streltsi?

    1. Thanks for looking in. The Muscovites are all 'The Assault Group'.

  6. That game was just about the perfect size (in my opinion) and looked like it was a lot of fun! Lovely looking figures and terrain, too.

    1. Thanks Keith- with a fight of that size, you can't afford to squander troops or leave some under utilised!

  7. Great to see those lovely units on the table John.

  8. Nice looking game and troops, John!

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal- the Poles are my favourites...and should win EVERY time! ( I hope!)

  10. Figures and report of the battle ,first rate.
