WIP- Vienna 1683.

I have been considering this for a while.
I have the Poles and I have the Ottomans.
And I've added Imperial and Bavarian Foote to play out the relief of Vienna in 1683. Many of my WSS Imperial Cuirassiers will be fine...and I have lots of them!
I need some Saxon Foote and Horse ( I might cheat and use some of my GNW Saxons...but don't tell anyone).

I guess it's one of those battles that all gamers have heard of and many have played, and I think as I have had the Ottomans for so long it's time to give it a crack.

It will mean a table with the Kahlenburg heights...and maybe a section of the walls of Vienna....and a Turkish camp.

Hmm.....time to get started.

The first of my Imperial regiments. ( I have to confess I didn't paint this unit!)

The battle is too big for me to cover comprehensively on a good sized table- by 'good' I mean the maximum I can fit in my garage! But I figure that if I can get 20- 25 Foot units for the Imperials and Poles as well as a similar number of Horse, I might get a reasonable facsimile of the battle.

Four Bavarian Regiments ( I painted these!)

Imperial Regiments


All the relieving force so far- Bavarians on the left . 9 Battalions in total. I have a few more to paint up!

I can use my existing Bavarian and Imperial Cuirassiers.......
(pics from my Oudenarde game for the Imperials)

The Ottomans will probably need a few more infantry as they have more than enough cavalry!

and of course...these guys are ready to go:


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jon- I can't take the credit for all of them!

  2. They look great. Now you've given me an idea as I have loads of Poles Ottomans and Imperialist painted up

    1. Thanks Neil- I recommend giving it a go, I am enjoying the research!

  3. A beautiful collection....so far! Look forward to seeing how you progress this concept, John.

    1. Thanks Keith- I hope to get it all together soon!

  4. Really impressive looking collection.

    1. Thanks Richard- I appreciate your comments.

  5. You're a nutter!! And I have just acquired the lead to do it in 10mm - a way down the priorities at the moment though.

    1. Yes Rich- certified and committed! 10mm? ooo...now that would be awesome!!

  6. Thanks Ray...I've got to get them on the table!

  7. Lovely looking regiments !

  8. Nice flags and figures. What range are the figures? and the flags?

    1. Thanks John- flags are all Warfare miniatures. Figures are North Star 1672 ( the light grey regiments) and the red coated regt. The Bavarians ( in grey) are Front Rank. Other Bavarians are North Star 1672.
